Tie the Knot Thursday, Three Weeks and Counting!

Did you see the title? THREE WEEKS! 23 Days! Oh. Em. Gee.

So originally this started as Tie the Knot Tuesday, but now has morphed into Tie the Knot on whatever day I have time to blog about it. Today, it’s Thursday.

Much has happened, and much more will happen in the next 23 days leading up to the fantastic wedding! Here are the recent events:

The groomsmen gifts have been ordered, and they are sharp. The bridesmaids gifts have also been ordered (and have arrived) and they are literally my favorite. Maybe the groomsmen and bridesmaids will entertain the world with some selfies once they get their gifts.

My wedding shoes have arrived. I would show you guys a picture, but no can do. The bridal wardrobe is TOP SECRET. The wedding hair has been experimented with and determined. I am excited about that. The hair will be up, and it will be awesome.

Also, our official wedding hashtag is #TraylorEverAfter and we have signs to prove it! So all you Facebook’n, Instagram’n, Tweeting people, get your thumbs ready for some photo snapping and hashtag action.


As you have probably seen on Instagram or Facebook, this past weekend I got together with some of my closest friends and celebrated getting married! We had the best time laughing, talking, and eating. My circle of friends are proof that you can get together with people and have a good time without making a fool of yourself or doing something completely ridiculous. For them I am extremely grateful, and they truly bless me. Here is a quick recap:

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Lastly, but certainly not least. On Monday, Korey and I headed to the Rockwall County Court House got ourselves a marriage license! The only thing missing is the ceremony, our pastor, and you!


The count down continues!

Until Next Time,
